Ravi Putcha

Apr 14, 2021

Are Profile Pictures a Pain?

Updated: Jan 1

Corporate headshots, corporate portraits

Profile pictures are a pain in the…neck! You register, login, fill in your details with all the speed you can muster, a rush of energy and enthusiasm filling your body. Soon enough you are prompted to upload a profile pic. "Profiles with a great profile picture is the secret behind great interest, viewership, response from the others" - that's what the message says. That sounds more like a warning - "if you don't have a great profile pic, forget it…" that's what it sounds like, isn't it?

Actually, it is true! I know, I know that is not very kind of me to say that. You don't have a good picture of yourself, most of us don't. You browse through your 'Pictures' folder - there are all kinds of pics, but none of them look good enough for a profile picture, not if actually look at them. You take a leap and upload anything, it comes back to bite you in the back. Backhanded comments, jokes…I spare you the memory of embarrassing experience the last time this happened.

Fortunately it is easy, not as impossible as you think. Just call me and I will resolve this problem for you once and for all. I bring the studio to your home or office or anywhere you want and we get cracking and create a great portrait, a picture that presents in the best possible manner. I assure you, you would love the experience, not just the portrait. Be it formal or informal, whatever be the social media platform, you got it.

The next time you need a profile pic, you know where it is…or if you want a new one, you know what to do (just call me). Here's a heads up for you, choose what's best for you.